A simply delicious seasonal dish.

Clean the artichokes by removing the toughest leaves, until the most tender and whitish ones are reached. Cut off the tip and stem with a sharp knife.
Add the artichokes to a pan with plenty of boiling water and salt. It is important that the artichokes are not in contact with the air, but are completely submerged. A simple trick is to place a plate or the vegetable drainer of a pressure cooker in the water, so that it sinks the artichokes.
The cooking time depends very much on the size. They should normally be cooked in about 20-25 minutes. They will need less cooking time in a pressure cooker. After 20 minutes, they can be pierced with a prick to check the doneness.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the chopped garlic. When the wafer is wafer-coloured, add the artichokes. Sauté and add the chopped chistorra sausage. Stir-fry for 4 minutes and serve immediately.
To cook many vegetables, including artichokes, it is advisable to use a white stock to prevent oxidation. Here you can read more about this subject.